Oh How I Love Flying, the Gift of Feeling Free

           Flying Free

The wind was blowing with a gust, as I unloaded my art supplies and canvas from the trunk.  It was difficult to hold onto the canvas as the wind swirled around me like it would lift me in flight. Overhead I hear the sound of a jet airplane.  I look up and seeing the plane climb higher and higher, the blowing wind and the sounds of the jet engines jog my memories.  I am thinking about how much I miss flying and airplanes.

So many places, so many people, so many experiences racing in my mind at the speed of a jet.

As I enter the studio, this one memory penetrated my thoughts:  In 1970 I began to wear a POW bracelet made of stainless steel, engraved with the rank, name and loss date of an American serviceman captured during the Vietnam War. Praying daily for his return and  hoping that I would be able to give it to him or his family when he returned. (I will not reveal his name to protect his privacy.)

It was an ordinary day in April 1973, on a non-eventful flight standing at the airplane door greeting and welcoming  passengers on board.  The agent had informed me that we would be taking home one of our servicemen who had been a prisoner in Vietnam.  He and his wife would be boarding last.  The image of this man was difficult to process as he walked slowly onto the plane.  He was so thin and frail and I found myself wiping away tears.

During flight I approached him; trying not to draw attention as this was his wish.  I thanked him for his service. I shared about wearing a POW bracelet and the back story about how the bracelet program began.  I showed him my bracelet and said,” I hope one day to give it to him or send it to his family.”

He spoke so softly that I could barely understand…..this is what he said “You can give it to me that is my name on your bracelet”.  Tears of joy flowing from our eyes….  

Our reunion was short as the plane landed and he continued on his journey home.  This rare encounter shall forever be one that filled my heart with compassion placing me on holy ground.

                              Time to put earbuds in and select a playlist……

Rarely do I know what I will paint and what the finished piece will look like, I take this memory and my love of flying and let the process begin.

 Standing at the easel I swipe the you-tube app and begin to listen to “Leaving on a Jet Plane” by Peter, Paul and Mary:   https://youtu.be/Qc-7SnMnX78 .

Such freedom I feel when flying on a jet plane.  This accidental artist begins mixing colors and choosing the brushes and the palette knife, I move the paint covered brush across the canvas like a dancer gliding across the floor, interpreting the music.

All these memories of flying take over and the painting reveals my soul of how free I feel and how blessed and thankful for all the years that jet airplanes took me into flight to…  Beautiful and faraway places to many to name.

Even though my wings are clipped and I no longer stand at an airplane door greeting passenger/customers, the freedom of flight never completely escapes me.

As my playlist changes, this song begins “I Will Lift You Up on Eagles Wings” https://youtu.be/4rRea9qnjK4 .  I am reminded of one of my favorite scriptures….

“The Lord is the everlasting God, the creator of the ends of the earth.  He will not grow tired or weary and his understanding no one can fathom.  He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall;  but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength.  They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.”    Isaiah 40: 28-31

Be free to fly with the wind lifting you to higher thoughts.   Be the incredible, amazing , gifted you.   You are unique.  Your fingerprints, your voice and your DNA is yours alone. 

With a grateful heart I thank everyone who has crossed my path on a jet plane or anywhere else for your presence is a gift I treasure.




PS   I find it interesting that somehow I was hired as a Delta Stewardess/ Flight Attendant and wore the wings for almost 36 years;  During the 1960’s and the present the experts say:  It is easier to get into Harvard than to be hired as a Delta Flight Attendant…..flying high was a dream that came true and changed my world forever…..

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The Beauty Under the Sea

       Being under water is not something that I like, in fact it is something that I fear.  Perhaps it is because of my childhood experiences of learning to swim in creeks, and large ponds that for sure were home to snakes.  I do not like snakes.

           Back to Under the Sea……My husband loves to be under the sea…..scuba diving and snorkeling….My daughter loves it as well.  She naturally loved swimming underwater and snorkeling, especially in Hawaii. 

Me not so much….My first adventure with a snorkel was shortly after Will and I married and traveled to Bermuda.  I took the plunge off the sailboat and gave it my best shot.  After about 30 minutes I swam back to the boat and left some of my fear behind.

Several years later, Will and I went on a sailing vacation from Tortola with 2 other couples.  Everyone was diving or snorkeling.  One day I decided to give snorkeling another try.  With Will holding my hand we snorkeled over the Wreck of the Rhone.  The beauty under the sea captivated me and I am thankful that I was willing to set aside the fear with faith to experience this adventure.

 I wish that I could say that I loved snorkeling but I just do not.  I loved the beauty of God’s amazing fish, coral and the world of life that lives there, yet I had rather view it from a glass bottom boat or pictures or National Geographic videos.

Faith casts out Fear….this I know to be true…yet overcoming any fear can only be done by doing and believing you can…No one can do this for you…..

This painting hangs over Will’s dresser in our bedroom.   The colors and the shapes reveal in abstract my experience from that memory.  I used gold leaf in this painting to capture the images of the life under the sea.

What are your fears?  Are they giving you thoughts of I can’t?  Are they keeping you stuck?

                     Challenge your fears:   Take the plunge to free yourself from the doubt, the I will fail, it will not work out.  You just might be surprised by the outcome.  

At a Bible study on God’s plan and purpose for life the speaker gave us a paper tape measure in centimeters.  She instructed  us tear away the part below our age and throw it away, for me that was 70 centimeters.  Then she ask us to  think about what age we hope to be .  So I thought, maybe 90.  Anything after that we were to throw away.  I was left with 20 centimeters. So if the Lord allows me to live 20 more years, then how shall I live each day.

             Looking at your life from what has already passed, and looking at it in the light of perhaps the tomorrows, gives one the perspective of living each day with purpose not fear.

                             Challenging all of us to live for eternal purpose now, not later, for later may not come……..

The white blank canvas speaks fear to this novice artist yet I take the plunge with my paint loaded brush of color, and I began each stroke with hope and a purpose somehow creating art that inspires not only me, but all who look upon it…….

Finding faith today,



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