The Colors of the Changing Sea

           Walking on the beach in the cool morning air or at sunset is one of my favorite things to do.   Since I do not live near the sea or ocean this favorite experience is one that is rare for me; however the memories of those times inspire my soul to the beauty and the power of the ocean that is changing moment by moment.

                        ” And there was no longer any sea” Rev. 21:

During December 2013 I was in a Beth Moore study of Revelations and the paintings above were inspired by this verse and the memories of my times near the ocean.  The vision of the sea leaving and I am under it was my thought as I painted the first image you see above.

My husband was an avid scuba diver and loved to be under the sea before I met him. This is his favorite painting.  Being underwater is not something I like. In fact I do not like to swim with my head underwater, perhaps because as a child I learned to swim in creeks and ponds that you could not see what was under the cloudy water.  However a number of years ago when we were in Bermuda I braved the sea and tried snorkeling.  That gave me some courage to later venture out again in Tortola, B.V.I.  The undersea is amazing with bright colors of coral,  and fish that you can see with a snorkel or scuba gear.  Colors that just amaze the eyes.  The ocean is so powerful that reminds me how small I am in comparison.

Thinking at this season of my life’s journey I will leave the underwater adventures to him and I will take in the sunsets and the sounds of the ocean that calm my soul and inspire me to put it on a canvas.

The vivid colors of the second image were inspired by seeing some of those colors for myself and by the many images that underwater photographers have captured.

New beginnings, new blessings, new hope everyday…….

Practice your art whatever that is and share with others needing encouragement, needing touch, needing colors in their life, and you just might be surprised by the joy that beams within you and them.  Joy shared multiplies changing the world one life, one moment at a time.  Mentor someone with your life’s experiences and talents.  All of us are called to give what we have. Look for opportunities to give hope and purpose to those that cross your path. Just start where you are, right now not waiting for this or that, for those moments are escaping.

From my Heart to Yours,


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5 Replies to “The Colors of the Changing Sea”

  1. Wow! I had no idea you were an artist. I am very impressed and I especially love this one. Amazing that such beauty could come from someone who really doesn’t like the water.

    1. Thanks Lana,
      So much about the ocean and sounds of the waves that I love….Being under the water just not for me…The colors reflect the 2X’s I snorkeled and the crystal clear parts of the ocean that I have experienced and underwater photos and films….I am inspired by your photos….my fellow artist…Tks for visiting my site….Martha

  2. This painting is beautiful Martha! So are you, and your expressive writing! I enjoyed reading what you write friend! God’s blessings, 💕 Marilu

  3. I really like both of these. There is a vibrancy and energy in both, and they definitely make me think of the ocean. Thank you for sharing them.

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