Looking for inspiration in my own backyard…..

Looking for inspiration on a hot day in my part of the world today in the dog days of August with the temperature rising to 101.  As I am drinking my morning coffee on the patio in my backyard, I look up and see the screech owl sitting high in the tree.   Last July when our grandsons were visiting a pair of Northeastern screech owls took up residence in tree on our back patio.  They named them Winky and Blinky.  Most mornings my husband and I greeted them with  hellos as we shared our morning coffee.  They stayed almost a year and we now have their baby to greet.

 So instead of wishing for Winky and Blinky, the parents of our resident owl whom we named BJ (Blinky Jr) to return I am focusing my thoughts on the gift of their offspring.  The gift of the present always brings me to thoughts of gratefulness, wonder and dreams. Hopeful  that the inspiration will  be revealed on the next blank canvas.  Here I go setting up the easel and my palette with colors of the nature around me.   Mixing and blending then loading up the brush to place the first stroke on the canvas.

It has been said that art without spirit is no art at all.  The journey of the heart for me on this painting is to be one that will not only inspire those who see it but bring them a sense of joyful peace.

Make your next moment a blank canvas and fill it with your creative self and make a difference in your sphere of influence one stroke at a time.  Spread your joy to the brokenness and cracks in all of us.  You are more than enough and you will inspire others.

The painting below was inspired by the song  Colors of the Wind.  May it give you a sense of the colors in the wind next time you feel it on your skin.






 Colors of the Wind….by Martha Leeper

3 Replies to “Looking for inspiration in my own backyard…..”

  1. Wonderful things are all around if we only take the time to open our senses to the beauty around us. Apparently, you have the good sense to do that and a God inspired talent to share this lovely interpretation with others. Thank you for reminding us to take time to enjoy the peace and beauty of simple things and moments in life. This world could use a little more peace and reflection.

    1. Tks Linda…
      Have 2 new post if you are interested….Called Carolyn today as the storm approaches the TX coast with possible flooding in areas of Houston. Blessings, Martha

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