November: A month of Celebration


   Celebrating the Changing Sky

November a month of celebrations…giving thanks with all Americans for our nation and the freedoms that we hold dear; prayers that we continue to protect and pass on to future generations.

My Mother’s birthday is November 14 and mine is on the 22nd.  Even though my Mother’s residence is in heaven (for 30 years), I treasure the memories of the November’s past with tearful smiles and joy in my heart.

Her voice of love and encouragement is ever so near, especially during the month of November.

Thinking about the smells of cornbread dressing and sweet potato pie cooking in the oven transports me back in time.

In some ways November is bitter-sweet.  I miss celebrating our birthdays and Thanksgiving with her.

                            Change…-change…change…is always knocking on the door…even if I do not answer…it comes in, welcome or not……

 I say to myself….paint a new picture….write a new song… think a new thought…be the change…cause you can not stop the leaves that change colors in the fall, ushering in a new season so it is with us.  Everything comes to an end but every moment is  one to embrace.

Today with tear stained cheeks I painted the sun illuminating the colors of the sky reminding me of the changing sky from sun up to sun down, never the same.

God art placed on the canvas with care.  Letting the colors and the brush reveal the beauty in and around me.

“I the Lord do not change.” Malachi 3:6…

Everything else changes…

Hanging on to all the sunny memories and diving forward to the newest of each moment, my tears dry and my heart smiles with incredible gratitude for all that was and all that is and all that shall be.

My bittersweet November thoughts turned to sweet memories that I tried to capture in the colors and strokes in this painting.

Blessed to celebrate 70 years…still working on being in each moment…and trusting more in God who holds all moments now and forever in the palm of HIS  hands.

Today my i phone locked after a forced update to IOS 11.1 and I turned to google for help.  I was able to start it again; however my pictures and message disappeared.  I retrieved my photos but not my messages.  AT&T could not do anything more for me and in fact they were surprised that someone my age could actually do it.

Later in the day I called Apple support.  This should have been my first thought and go to.

The agent took over my iPhone.  That means she could see all my information, all pictures etc.

I cannot wrap my mind around such technology.  A person in a far distance can take over my phone and see everything on my phone.  This just is a part of the amazing world of technology that is our world.

So I am thinking…if technology can do that…how in the world can anyone not believe that God is the master creator of all.  He knows your thoughts, He knows your actions, He knows your future.  

He is all knowledge and He alone has given it to the ones who have made technology work in this now and tomorrow and eternity.

Blessed to have had almost 70 years here in this earth suit.  Hoping and Praying that you will look to God and be thankful for the journey.

Happy Thanksgiving.


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One Reply to “November: A month of Celebration”

  1. Beautifully said about your mother.
    Have a wonderful celebration of your promotion from God.

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