Revealing Pain in Art and Healing Comes…..

   As October 2017 approaches I am 3 years free of nerve pain that radiated from my neck down to my left fingertips.  Six months of therapy, spinal injections and nerve medicine seeking healing sent me into a state of fog and depression that is revealed in this charcoal drawing.

The summer of 2014 I found myself (pain and all) in a drawing class at Brookhaven  College with an amazing professor called Case.  As I tried to focus on the art and not on the nerve pain that radiated down my arm like an electric shock that never truly stopped..…  This is the image of me….in that state…………… 

How can anyone describe pain that is personal?….I for one cannot totally relate to anyone else who is suffering when my suffering is unlike theirs.  Yet somehow I feel as an empath with compassionate feelings that transcends into the hurts and concerns of others and I  somehow have a glimpse of their pain.   My world of thoughts often take me to a place that is flooded with emotions that brings sadness, distress, and sleepless nights when faced with the hurts of this world.

Professionals tell you….Empaths  must take care and have emotional boundaries or they will burn out and find themselves in a valley without the strength to climb…..

Gifts given are gifts to be shared.  This is the truth that I know for sure.  Remember that those who seem to have  it all together are the one that often need the encouragement to continue on and on until………Take the time to ask, take the time to serve, take the time to be present, take the risk to be rejected, take the moment to be that something to someone.  It is in giving that we receive, it is in pain that we can relate, it is in suffering that we can understand and it is in acceptance that we can love.  Most of all it is in forgiveness that we can be free.

Today I am in prayer for Irma to turn back to sea and for Harvey’s destruction to be a picture of redemption as we give, encourage, help, and focus on what is important ( our relationships with others and God)  Memories not stuff….Easy to say yet difficult to put into practice……

Looking back on the days that I drew this picture, reminds me that art can heal, art can reveal, art can express, art can speak and art can be the connection to inspire others to create……

Fellow artists…..Take the picture, paint on the canvas, draw in your sketch book, knit the hat….etc….quilt ……bake…. try a new recipe play your instrument….sing the song, write the song, write the letter, text, call,  laugh,  dance… journal your thoughts, pray your prayers…..but most importantly be the artist that God has created you and only you to be…..You are more than enough….You make a difference one moment, one smile, one voice, one day at a time……

Everything we hold dear here will one day pass away.  Make memories and connect to God the artist who knows all, created all and is eternal.

My heart tonight sends safe thoughts and prayers for all those in the path of Irma.  The beauty of the ocean and the serenity of the beach are images in my mind that brings smiles to my heart; yet the power of this hurricane that is bringing fear, change and destruction to many islands and to Florida is real….How can it be…beauty, peace, tranquility turning into such force of destruction?????    Turn back to the ocean Irma leaving your raging winds and surge seaward…….May we all be the change that we wish to be.




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