Where are your Thoughts Taking You Today

Tell me your thoughts…..where are you taking your thoughts today.  Mine were on the beauty of the sun and how it defines reflection on a body of water.  So many colors so much revealed and so much to discover.

This painting takes me inward to a place in my heart that speaks softly as I ponder what my presence reflects to the world around me.  May it be that I reflect the hope of my creator and speak to the beauty that is in those who view the presence of me.

Color your palette today with the uniqueness of you, that part that is the best of you in the space between your thoughts.  Let the negative float away like the ripples in a pond that begin and end with the movement of the water reaching far from the first splash to its exit at the dam.

Take your ripples and let someone know that they too are worth caring for and have purpose.  Find beauty within and give the world the gift of you.  Pick up the brush, the pen or the tools of your art  and create what only you can.  What are you waiting for; the precious gift of the present is all we really have.

A canvas revealed is a life experienced and one can always paint over it .

Happy Art


One Reply to “Where are your Thoughts Taking You Today”

  1. When I look at this painting, I too, am reminded of God’s majestic world and the beautiful colors of the reflection of the sun’s rays on the water. I have lived most of my life near the ocean and appreciate how He paints a new wonderous picture each day. Your interpretation is glorious.! I especially appreciate the thoughts expressed by you in reference to this work. The idea of letting negatives thoughts float away as illustrated by the dark colors floating off the canvas is powerful. The suggestion that we share our gifts and that we reflect the hope and beauty of Our Creator to others is spot on- thanks for reminding us of this.

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